Certified Hydrographic/Geomatics Survey Services
About Us
Trident Hydrographic Services (THS) is a BC based hydrographic survey company specializing in offshore survey activities. Supporting a range of industries from construction, engineering and dredging to environmental monitoring and resource management; our experience solving complex mapping and positioning problems using the latest in technology has put THS above the competition in the market. THS’s reputation for the highest quality services is backed by our professionally recognized Certified Hydrographer and Canada Lands Surveyor.
At THS, we understand that successful offshore surveys are a complicated mix of various sensors operated competently. By choosing THS you chose a team operating under Canada’s top federal lands survey association (Association of Canada Lands). This means our clients can be sure THS conducts surveys and data processing in accordance with relevant international and national standards such as the IHO, CHS, NOAA, and USACE[1].
Why Hydrographic Certification Matters?
Hydrography is truly an international endeavour. With an estimated 14 trillion dollars of annual trade travelling via a world-wide network of shipping infrastructure, the entire world economy relies on shipping and in-turn shipping relies on accurate measurement of the seabed. Given the fact that with modern ship sizes an additional 30cm of depth on a nautical chart equates to 2,000 tonnes of additional cargo; the economic benefits of having accurate and up-to-date knowledge of the marine environment can be considerable.
Because of the importance of marine shipping to international trade, it was recognized early on that the community required governance and cooperation across the industry. For this reason, the UN created the largest public law doctrine on the planet: the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Once UNCLOS was published, UN member states were required to ratify, and Canada did so in 2003.
For obvious reasons, significant sections of UNCLOS dealt with hydrographic surveys. It was the view of the UN that standards for hydrographic surveys and the competency of those practitioners needed to be established. These standards would guarantee uniformity of hydrographic services and subsequent nautical charts around the globe and ensure these charts were based on the most accurate data possible.
In Canada, it is the ACLS that oversees the professional licensing of the hydrographic industry. The ACLS assesses standards for competency and continual career development of its members.
An ACLS certified hydrographic surveyor on your project ensures:
the highest level of professionalism, expertise and competency recognized internationally
awareness of the latest advancements technologies through continual CPD
THS is backed by an ACLS Certified Hydrographer, meaning that THS’s clients can be sure of the quality and professionalism in our works and consultation.
To maintain these standards the UN appointed the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) to coordinate the activities of member state’s national hydrographic offices and professional licencing bodies. In Canada, these duties fall to the Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) and the Association of Canada Lands Surveyors (ACLS). These organizations ensure uniformity in nautical charts, surveyor competency, and survey best practices with the larger international community.
THS as your Consultant
THS’s Certified Hydrographer makes THS an excellent choice as a technical consultant.
Thanks to our experience working on projects ranging from construction and dredging, resource management and environmental and hydrologic monitoring; we understand your needs to deliver the best results for your bottom line.
To this end, THS provides a more time-effective option on your projects requiring a survey program. Our expertise allows your project team to anticipate issues before they become expensive and time-consuming and to focus on the tasks, they are expert at.
With THS on your side you can be confident in our core abilities:
Technical proficiency. THS is at the forefront of the industry standards and technology. We can assess the work of contractors or ensure you meet the requirements set out by clients.
Quality of services. THS provides the highest quality services, and we pride our self on this fact. We work cooperatively with our clients, and we are not afraid to go the extra mile to exceed expectations.
Effective communication. We recognize transparent and continual communication with our clients as the cornerstone to productive relationships. Hydrographic survey is a complicated mix of science and technology, and we recognize our clients desire to understand works in clear and concise language.
Professionally Recognized Hydrographic Services